This is my first entry into the open source web design. I discovered the community not to long and I found the idea of the site very forward thinking.
Pushing the Envelope
What encourages me is how a wide numbers of designers understand the importance of having accessible code and sites that are cross browser based
About Me
My name is Duane Blake and I currently work in the telecoms industry but outside that I do a lot of freelance work through Rocket Magnet. I use a variety of packages such as XHTML, CSS, Flash, XML/XSLT but my passion is with CSS.
The template was tested in Explorer 6.0, Firefox 1.5 and Opera 8 and all the of the code fully validates
Rocket Magnet
I specialise in creating static based websites for small business, If you are a small business wishing to have an online presence. Just drop me a line and I contact you back within 48 hours.