**Update - A lighter background is now used. The darker one is included if you prefer that. Also a problem I would like someone to explain to me. Refer to the comment on line 183 in the css for more details.
I used LimeLight made by raZor and made it more user friendly. Thanks to raZor for the original. raZor also redid the banner for my version. Unfortunately the banner is not quite wide enough, so the design breaks at 1600x resolution. Easy to fix if someone can find me a 1600 wide lime picture.
Design Notes
- Stretches to fit browser window
- Tested and ok in IE5.5, IE6, IE7b2, Firefox 1.51, Opera 8.53
- Resizable fonts. The navbar and gradient bars should nicely expand too.
- Can put a watermark on top of the background gradient (refer to css comment)
- Works perfectly from 800x600 to 1280x1024. 1600x needs a wider banner.
- Viewer can control font-family, font-size
Font-size and font-family are not set. Why? See Why not to over-ride the reader’s font size
A short explanation is so that the user can set their default size and font to whatever they want. How? See Adjusting your text size
Nam risus elit, vulputate non, scelerisque nec, viverra imperdiet, magna. Nullam non urna. Praesent lacus. Ut consequat pellentesque quasi architecto nunc aliquet fermentum ligula odio... <-- I think that is Latin. Weird. The Lorem Ipsum Generator.